Saturday 31 October 2020

Toussaint in France 2020

 Nobody can accsue me of using this blog of mine too often. Last date was in May and I was noting the easing of restrictions due to the pandemic. Now at Halloween, I am back with new restrictions of movement introduced on Friday. Back to filling out the form before going out if a person is to avoid being fined. The form and the mask are two essentials of life now. In my childhood, a mask was such fun to wear once a year. It is not as much fun to wear it every day over a period of time. But if it protects lives and health, it is worth any inconvenience. 

I am heartbroken for the families of the three people murdered at the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Nice this week. May they rest in peace. All churches are on high security alert this weekend. Police have made contact about this. Please God there will be no further loss of life for anybody through acts of terrorism. 

All Masses at St Joseph's will be online until at least 1st December. The church website will lead you to the YouTube transmission and also the previous recordings of Mass.

I say this every time - I will try to be more regular in keeping the blog active - this time I will really try.  Happy Halloweeen.